
Récompense prix FIECC - BPI l Flipo Richir

Flipo Richir et LSEE reçoivent le prix FIEEC et BPI France

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Fierté !

Flipo-Richir et le LSEE (Laboratoire Systèmes Electrotechniques et Environnement ), de l’Université d’Artois ont reçu le 6 octobre dernier la mention spéciale du Prix FIEEC – Bpifrance de la Recherche Appliquée 2022 à l’occasion du #big2022 de Bpifrance à l’Accor Arene Paris.

Cette distinction récompense le travail collaboratif réalisé dans le cadre de la thèse portant sur l’optimisation des performances des machines électriques en maintenance.

Merci au Pôle MEDEE pour son soutien !

The key to international development is the network

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Christophe Debendere, president of Flipo-Richir, talks to BPI France about the company’s international development in Poland and Africa.

The company also invests in training to allow Guinean students to come and follow a course in electrical systems maintenance in France.

International development of the company

Flipo Richir has been on the African continent since 2015 with Cameroon and then the Ivory Coast and the Central African Republic.

Since 2018, a subsidiary has been established in Guinea: Flipo Africa Energy.

Training, a key issue 

Flipo Richir is the instigator of a program that allows Guinean students to study in France for a professional degree in electrical systems maintenance.

The objective is to train them in these professions and then collaborate with them.

Some will integrate the group’s subsidiaries, others will become partners and others will become industrial players in Guinea.

Audiovisual: installation of 2 generators and engineering

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On behalf of our client in the audiovisual sector, we have set up two 2000 KVA generators in the Paris region.

Industrial automation maintenance

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Industrial automation maintenance is an added value of Flipo Richir’s offer.

At any time, Flipo Richir intervenes on your industrial automation equipment for both prevention and repair.

The advantages of industrial maintenance are numerous, it allows in particular:

  • To avoid or reduce breakdowns
  • To avoid accidents and increase the safety of people
  • To anticipate costly corrective maintenance repairs
  • To control your energy consumption by maintaining your installations in perfect working order

Also, we provide for you : 

  • Preventive backup of automats
  • Replacement of batteries / automatons
  • Backup of drive parameters
  • Preventive maintenance of drives
  • Equipment cleaning
  • Connection control
  • Gradual power up of drives that have been stored for more than a year (to prevent capacitor destruction)

Replacement of drive and motor 710kW

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Application extraction of incinerator fumes. File allowing the customer to benefit from the CEE premiums which allowed him to finance this project!

Membership to France Hydro Electricity

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Flipo Richir joinsFrance Hydro Electricity!

In France and abroad, Flipo-Richir intervenes in hydroelectric power plants for the rehabilitation of alternators and their excitation, regulation and protection systems.

Its interventions range from the mechanical part of the alternator, through the winding, the repair of poles and the modification of DC exciters into alternators with rotating diodes.

The calculation programs developed by Flipo-Richir allow resizing of machines with optimization of losses, improvement of efficiency,…

Installation of a safety generator for the Euralille site

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For the Euralille site, our teams installed a 400kVa safety generator.

The installation took place on the 12th floor on a dedicated structure.Acrophobes, do not!

Crane and installation of a self-stable chimney with NFX trap door

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We intervened in the logistics sector in Normandy for the craning and installation of a 15-meter self-stable chimney.

This chimney has an NFX hatch for an 800kVA generator. The customized tank has a range of 5000 liters.

Installation of a generator unit with fugitive coupling to the network

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We realized for a logistic warehouse in Ile de France the installation of a generator of 2000 KVA PRP in fugitive coupling network for an emergency use.

This installation was combined with the construction of the fuel network and the installation of a chimney more than 20 meters high.

Repair of a drive for the Grand Tunnelier in the Paris region

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Flipo Richir’s teams worked in the Paris region for the Grand tunnelier. We carried out the troubleshooting of a 400kW drive. This operation was an opportunity to make the following changes:

  • of power cards
  • thyristors
  • of measurement cards
  • Track control boards
  • IGBT: The bipolar isolated grid transistor

In short, a big new move and it starts again!